
0.About wechat 

Wechat is used by everyone in China.
You need an official account in wechat .
Advertise your products to wechat users.
China's largest Chinese official account software is WeChat. Every day, millions of Chinese visit news, shopping, booking, traveling, renting, auctioning, online education through WeChat. So if you want to enter the China market, then opening up WeChat  official account, small programs and deploying various applications is the most effective and cost saving way to promote it. Where are 1 billion wechat users waiting for you.
Here you can have wechat website, wechat mall, wechat auction, wechat tourism, wechat live broadcast, wechat customer service, etc. you can carry out lottery, marketing, big turntable, display your corporate image, and directly transform wechat users into your fans. Deliver your product concept and corporate culture in real time.
Wsb can provide  all these services for you.

1.About wsb

WSB provides a wide variety of application software based on WeChat official account and applet.

Micro education, micro activities, micro mall, micro live broadcast, micro tourism, etc

We can open WeChat official account and applet account for your company . 

You are required to provide relevant documents


2.Start now

If you want to share the wechat user market in China, please use WSB services.